Bodhi is a spiritual and political organizing project.
We work to create meaningful spaces of learning and strategies for healthy movement-building that center the ‘whole’ of our experiences as living systems. We know doing so leads us to more accurate understandings of how harm happens and the social antidotes that heal and liberate us, while simultaneously sustaining our health. By tuning into our interconnectedness, collectively imagining, and organizing using the entire set of resources available to us, we honor the sacred relationship we hold with the Earth.
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what we do
Bodhi centers deep relational and spiritual-political practice as necessary antidotes to hierarchical, transactional, and bureaucratic models of organization.
We embody an approach that uplifts the holistic benefits of bringing coliberation-into-form through practices that prioritize Belonging, Organizing, Decomposing, Health, and Interconnectedness (the Bodhi frame.)
We create anti-racist, anti-oppressive learning experiences, retreats, strategies, organizational plans, healing spaces, coaching sessions, and assessments that center the collective health of all living systems in movements toward coliberation.
We partner with individuals, groups, and organizations, of all types and sizes, with expertise in government, philanthropy, higher education, health/public health, grass roots, arts and culture, and faith-based organizations. We focus on longer-term collaborations and projects, as our experience has taught us the power of sustained relationship.

Bodhi has a new home!
In January 2024, Our Bodhi Project became part of the Spiritual-Social Medicinal Apothecary (SSoMA). SSoMA is a home for spiritual-social inquiry into the wisdoms of thriving life and collective health, and their application to our ongoing climate, nature and relational emergency. It adopts the word apothecary’s ancient meaning of both the healing practitioner and a place where medicines are made, protected and shared.
Within SSoMA, Bodhi’s medicines of spiritual-political organizing help individuals and organizations build multi-dimensional capacities to lead integrated and relational approaches to intersectional justice and collective health in institutions, movements and social ecologies. We continue to offer coaching, consulting and educational programs based on the Bodhi frame within the wider scope of SSoMA’s spiritual-political-ecological work.