themes we address
Our team has extensive experience designing and facilitating experiences, processes, consultations, and programs in the areas below. Please contact us to learn more about how we can support your specific needs and desires.
Understanding the roots of systemic racism. We explore the historical and current causes of systemic racism and other intersecting forms of oppression, and clarify their impacts on collective health in organizations and everyday life.
Deepening antiracist and anti-oppressive organizing and organizational practice. We support leaders and leadership collectives who are beginning journeys toward anti-oppressive practice as well as those who want to explore the limits of and deepen or transform their existing antiracist organizing strategies.
Growing relational culture. We support organizations and teams to root their antiracist and anti-oppressive organizing in relational culture— ways of being, norms, beliefs, and practices that strengthen the web of interconnection and wellbeing that is obscured and damaged by the system of white supremacy and the cultural norms that reproduce it.
Cultivating transformative leadership. We work with cultural and organizational leaders to develop capacities for building their own and their team / organization’s spirit and resilience to help them sustain challenging processes of transformation.
Healing from burnout. We offer creative, somatic, reflective and mindful processes and practices that support healing from burnout, disconnection, and decreased spirit in work, and that keep our spirits and our hearts strong in our relationships, our activism, and our leadership.
Relational assessment and transformative valuation. We design and support processes for individuals, groups, and organizations to investigate the historical and political anatomy of their culture and practices, and to strengthen capacities for interrupting oppressive ways of being, habits, norms, and beliefs. We use storytelling, visual art, dialogue, meditative reflections, and other creative, relational, and embodied approaches to engage people, share experience and information, and make meaning.